HJA Africa


Field trial results



On good soils near Kpong, compared to control (no treatment, and attacked by fall armyworm), OFA gave bigger yield increases (+102%) than the reference organic fall armyworm treatment (+69%).

Prof K Fening, University of Ghana, not published, available from HJA Africa


On good soils near Legon, compared to control with no fertilizer, OFA gave bigger yield increases (+41%) than inorganic fertilizer (+30%), though sample sizes were small resulting in differences not being statistically significant at the 5% level.

Prof F Kumaga, University of Ghana, not published, available from HJA Africa


On poor soils which can be challenging for OFA used on its own for nutrient hungry crops, as OFA is a biostimulant rather than providing bulk nutrients) near Tamale, OFA was used as a booster with 50% of the standard amount of inorganic fertilizer and gave similar yields to using the full standard amount of inorganic fertilizer, saving almost half the total fertilizer cost.

Dr O Amoako, CSIR-SARI, published in the journal American Journal of Plant Sciences


On irrigated fair soils near Kpong, compared to control (no fertilizer) OFA increased yield by 37% and profit by 53% while inorganic fertilizer increased yield by 43% but profit by only 4% due to its high cost. The best result for both yield and profit was using 50% of the usual amount of OFA as a booster to 50% of the usual amount of inorganic fertilizer, increasing yield by 67% and profit by 75%.

OFA also gave resilience benefits as it shortened time to harvest by up to 9 days, eliminated rice blast disease and increased water use efficiency.

A commercial rice farmer (written up by HJA Africa), not published, available from HJA Africa


On fair soils near Kpong, compared to control (no fertilizer), OFA gave bigger yield increases (+97%) than inorganic fertilizer (+53%).

Prof D McCarthy, University of Ghana, not published, available from HJA Africa.


On poor soils near Tamale, OFA gave big increases in yield (+55%), increasing crop profit margin compared to control (no fertilizer) from 27% to 124%.

Dr E Akley, CSIR-SARI, published in the journal Agronomy


On fair soils near Somanya, OFA (used together with copper-based fungicide) eliminated anthracnose and bacterial blackspot (BBS). [Additional information: OFA gives other key benefits for mango, including inducing floration, dealing with mealybugs, increasing tree health and giving big increases in yields].

Dr J Hongar, West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement at University of Ghana, not published, available from HJA Africa

Oil Palm seedlings (up to 1 year old)

On poor soils in western Ghana, OFA used as a booster with reduced amounts of inorganic fertilizer produced similar growth results to the standard amount of inorganic fertilizer. [Additional information: OFA also shortened time to transplanting from nursery to field by up to 3 months.]

An oil palm plantation company, not published, available from HJA Africa.

Rubber seedlings (up to 1 year old)

On poor soils in western Ghana, OFA produced the best growth results of the treatments tested, and solved fungal challenges.

Dr E N Tetteh, CSIR-CRI, not published, available from HJA Africa (2 papers)

In addition to the excellent results found in these independent field trials, OFA gave similarly good results in HJA Africa’s own trials, and also in trials carried out by scientists in Kenya. 


OFA also has consistently excellent farmer feedback for all crop types and regions of Ghana, as can be seen from testimonials on the HJA Africa Facebook page, www.facebook.com/hjaafrica.